Everyone has his/her personal choices about reading the contemporary content. The contemporary content is available in various forms such as novels, comics, journals, e-books, newspapers and magazines. However, recently a new form has been added to these. It is called blogs. This is catching up with the people like you and me. Often, bloggers are those people who, apart from contributing in the aforementioned forms of content, also have their own website where they directly address the audience on a regular basis. They write, most of the times, from the personal experiences that their lives throw at them. Often a single event proves to be a life-changing event (such as, a person who witnessed the fall of the World Trade Centre/Twin Towers or a person who went from rags to riches and as a result, underwent huge transformation) and thus, the journey of assessing the experiences and sharing them with a larger set of audience starts. For example, as I shared in my previous entry t...
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